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std::deque emplace() method

// Non const version only
template< class... Args >
iterator emplace( const_iterator pos, Args&&... args );

Inserts a new element into the container directly before pos.

The element is constructed through std::allocator_traits::construct(), which typically uses placement-new to construct the element in-place at a location provided by the container.
However, if the required location has been occupied by an existing element, the inserted element is constructed at another location at first, and then move assigned into the required location.

The arguments args... are forwarded to the constructor as std::forward<Args>(args).... args... may directly or indirectly refer to a value in the container.


All iterators, including the past-the-end iterator, are invalidated.
References are invalidated too, unless pos == begin() or pos == end(), in which case they are not invalidated.


  • pos - iterator before which the new element will be constructed
  • args - arguments to forward to the constructor of the element

Type requirements

Return value

Iterator to the inserted element.


Linear in the lesser of the distances between pos and either of the ends of the container - O(std::min(N, M)), where:

  • N is std::distance(pos, begin())
  • M is std::distance(pos, end())


If an exception is thrown other than by the copy constructor, move constructor, assignment operator, or move assignment operator of the value type, or if an exception is thrown while emplace is used to insert a single element at the either end, there are no effects (strong exception guarantee).

Otherwise, the effects are unspecified.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <deque>

struct A {
std::string s;
A(std::string str) : s(std::move(str)) { std::cout << " constructed\n"; }
A(const A& o) : s(o.s) { std::cout << " copy constructed\n"; }
A(A&& o) : s(std::move(o.s)) { std::cout << " move constructed\n"; }
A& operator=(const A& other) {
s = other.s;
std::cout << " copy assigned\n";
return *this;
A& operator=(A&& other) {
s = std::move(other.s);
std::cout << " move assigned\n";
return *this;

int main()
std::deque<A> container;

std::cout << "construct 2 times A:\n";
A two { "two" };
A three { "three" };

std::cout << "emplace:\n";
container.emplace(container.end(), "one");

std::cout << "emplace with A&:\n";
container.emplace(container.end(), two);

std::cout << "emplace with A&&:\n";
container.emplace(container.end(), std::move(three));

std::cout << "content:\n";
for (const auto& obj : container)
std::cout << ' ' << obj.s;
std::cout << '\n';
Possible output
construct 2 times A:
emplace with A&:
copy constructed
emplace with A&&:
move constructed
one two three
This article originates from this CppReference page. It was likely altered for improvements or editors' preference. Click "Edit this page" to see all changes made to this document.
Hover to see the original license.

std::deque emplace() method

// Non const version only
template< class... Args >
iterator emplace( const_iterator pos, Args&&... args );

Inserts a new element into the container directly before pos.

The element is constructed through std::allocator_traits::construct(), which typically uses placement-new to construct the element in-place at a location provided by the container.
However, if the required location has been occupied by an existing element, the inserted element is constructed at another location at first, and then move assigned into the required location.

The arguments args... are forwarded to the constructor as std::forward<Args>(args).... args... may directly or indirectly refer to a value in the container.


All iterators, including the past-the-end iterator, are invalidated.
References are invalidated too, unless pos == begin() or pos == end(), in which case they are not invalidated.


  • pos - iterator before which the new element will be constructed
  • args - arguments to forward to the constructor of the element

Type requirements

Return value

Iterator to the inserted element.


Linear in the lesser of the distances between pos and either of the ends of the container - O(std::min(N, M)), where:

  • N is std::distance(pos, begin())
  • M is std::distance(pos, end())


If an exception is thrown other than by the copy constructor, move constructor, assignment operator, or move assignment operator of the value type, or if an exception is thrown while emplace is used to insert a single element at the either end, there are no effects (strong exception guarantee).

Otherwise, the effects are unspecified.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <deque>

struct A {
std::string s;
A(std::string str) : s(std::move(str)) { std::cout << " constructed\n"; }
A(const A& o) : s(o.s) { std::cout << " copy constructed\n"; }
A(A&& o) : s(std::move(o.s)) { std::cout << " move constructed\n"; }
A& operator=(const A& other) {
s = other.s;
std::cout << " copy assigned\n";
return *this;
A& operator=(A&& other) {
s = std::move(other.s);
std::cout << " move assigned\n";
return *this;

int main()
std::deque<A> container;

std::cout << "construct 2 times A:\n";
A two { "two" };
A three { "three" };

std::cout << "emplace:\n";
container.emplace(container.end(), "one");

std::cout << "emplace with A&:\n";
container.emplace(container.end(), two);

std::cout << "emplace with A&&:\n";
container.emplace(container.end(), std::move(three));

std::cout << "content:\n";
for (const auto& obj : container)
std::cout << ' ' << obj.s;
std::cout << '\n';
Possible output
construct 2 times A:
emplace with A&:
copy constructed
emplace with A&&:
move constructed
one two three
This article originates from this CppReference page. It was likely altered for improvements or editors' preference. Click "Edit this page" to see all changes made to this document.
Hover to see the original license.