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std::string constructors

std::basic_string class can be constructed in many different ways. Use the button in the top-right corner to navigate with arrows for convenience.


std::basic_string is a class template, with following type parameters, that are used within constructors:

pubCharTcharacter type
pubTraitstraits class specifying the operations on the character type
pubAllocatorAllocator type used to allocate internal storage

Default constructor

// 1)
: basic_string( Allocator() )

// 2)
explicit basic_string( Allocator const& alloc );
  • constructor 1) is noexcept if constructor of the Allocator is noexcept as well
  • constructor 2) is noexcept, because Allocator was constructed before
  • both constructors are constexpr

Default constructor. Constructs empty string (zero size and unspecified capacity). If no allocator is supplied, allocator is obtained from a default-constructed instance.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>

int main() {
// Default constructed string:
std::string s;

// This assertion has to pass:
assert(s.empty() && (s.length() == 0) && (s.size() == 0));

// Capacity is unspecified:
std::cout << "s.capacity(): " << s.capacity() << '\n';
s.capacity(): 15

Repeat character constructor

constexpr basic_string(
size_type count,
CharT ch,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string with count copies of character ch.

Deduction guide (since C++17)

This constructor is not used for class template argument deduction if the Allocator type that would be deduced does not qualify as an allocator.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip> // for std::quoted

int main() {
std::string s(4, '=');

std::cout << std::quoted(s) << '\n';
Result (console)

Copy substring constructor (unbound)

constexpr basic_string(
basic_string const& other,
size_type pos,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string with a substring [pos, other.size()) of other.
Other words, copies the other string starting from element at pos index.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {

// |01234567....|
// |-------+++++|
// "Hello, World"
std::string hw = "Hello, World";
std::string s(hw, 7);

std::cout << s << '\n';
Result (console)

Copy substring constructor (bound)

constexpr basic_string(
basic_string const& other,
size_type pos,
size_type count,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string with a substring [pos, pos+count) of other. If count == npos, or if the requested substring lasts past the end of the string, the resulting substring is [pos, other.size()).


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {

// |012345......|
// |--++++------|
// "Hello, World"
std::string hw = "Hello, World";
std::string s(hw, 2, 4);

std::cout << s << '\n';
Result (console)

Copy character range constructor (unbound)

constexpr basic_string(
CharT const* s,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string with the contents initialized with a copy of the null-terminated character string pointed to by s. The length of the string is determined by the first null character. The behavior is undefined if [s, s + Traits::length(s)) is not a valid range (for example, if s is a null pointer).

Deduction guide since C++17

This constructor is not used for class template argument deduction if the Allocator type that would be deduced does not qualify as an allocator. (since C++17)


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
std::string s("Hello, World!");

std::cout << s << '\n';
Result (console)
Hello, World!

Copy character range constructor (bound)

constexpr basic_string(
CharT const* s,
size_type count,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string with the first count characters of character string pointed to by s. s can contain null characters. The length of the string is count. The behavior is undefined if [s, s + count) is not a valid range.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {

// |01234.......|
// |+++++-------|
// "Hello, World"
std::string s("Hello, World", 5);

std::cout << s << '\n';
Result (console)

Copy from iterator-range constructor

template <typename InputIt>
constexpr basic_string(
InputIt first,
InputIt last,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string with the contents of the range [first, last).

Only if InputIt is an integral type, equivalent to overload (2), as if by
basic_string(static_cast<size_type>(first), static_cast<value_type>(last), alloc)


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <array>

int main() {
std::array<char, 6> chars{ "Hello" };

std::string s(chars.begin(), chars.end());

std::cout << s << '\n';
Result (console)

Copy constructor

// 1)
constexpr basic_string( std::basic_string const& other );

// 2)
constexpr basic_string(
std::basic_string const& other,
Allocator const& alloc

Constructs the string with a copy of the contents of other.

You can optionally specify a custom allocator (2).


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
std::string hw = "Hello, World";
// Uses copy constructor, not assignment operator
std::string s = hw;

std::cout << s << '\n';
Result (console)
Hello World

Move constructor

// 1)
constexpr basic_string( std::basic_string && other ) noexcept;

// 2)
constexpr basic_string(
std::basic_string && other,
Allocator const& alloc

Constructs the string with the contents of other using move semantics. other is left in valid, but unspecified state.

You can optionally specify a custom allocator (2).


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
std::string hw = "Hello, World";
// Uses move constructor, not assignment operator
std::string s = std::move(hw);
// hw has unspecified state right now

std::cout << s << '\n';
Result (console)
Hello, World

Initializer-list constructor

constexpr basic_string(
std::initializer_list<CharT> ilist,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string with the contents of the initializer list ilist.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
std::string s = { "Hello" };
// Same as:
// std::string s = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0' };

std::cout << s << '\n';
std::cout << s.size() << '\n';
Result (console)

Copy from string_view-like type constructor (unbound)

template <typename T>
explicit constexpr basic_string(
T const& t,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string from contents copied from object t of a string_view-like type T.

How does it work

Implicitly converts t to a string view sv as if by

std::basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> sv = t;

then initializes the string with the contents of sv, as if by

basic_string(, sv.size(), alloc)

Overload resolution

This overload participates in overload resolution only if

std::is_convertible_v< const T&, std::basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> >

is true and

std::is_convertible_v<const T&, const CharT*>

is false.

Copy from string_view-like type constructor (bound)

template <typename T>
explicit constexpr basic_string(
T const& t,
size_type pos,
size_type n,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string from subrange [pos, pos + n) of contents copied from object t of a string_view-like type T.

How does it work

Implicitly converts t to a string view sv as if by

std::basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> sv = t;

then initializes the string with the subrange [pos, pos + n) of sv as if by

basic_string(, sv.size(), alloc)

Overload resolution

This overload participates in overload resolution only if

std::is_convertible_v< const T&, std::basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> >

is true.

Deleted std::nullptr_t constructor

constexpr basic_string( std::nullptr_t ) = delete;

basic_string cannot be constructed from nullptr.

This article originates from this CppReference page. It was likely altered for improvements or editors' preference. Click "Edit this page" to see all changes made to this document.
Hover to see the original license.

std::string constructors

std::basic_string class can be constructed in many different ways. Use the button in the top-right corner to navigate with arrows for convenience.


std::basic_string is a class template, with following type parameters, that are used within constructors:

pubCharTcharacter type
pubTraitstraits class specifying the operations on the character type
pubAllocatorAllocator type used to allocate internal storage

Default constructor

// 1)
: basic_string( Allocator() )

// 2)
explicit basic_string( Allocator const& alloc );
  • constructor 1) is noexcept if constructor of the Allocator is noexcept as well
  • constructor 2) is noexcept, because Allocator was constructed before
  • both constructors are constexpr

Default constructor. Constructs empty string (zero size and unspecified capacity). If no allocator is supplied, allocator is obtained from a default-constructed instance.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>

int main() {
// Default constructed string:
std::string s;

// This assertion has to pass:
assert(s.empty() && (s.length() == 0) && (s.size() == 0));

// Capacity is unspecified:
std::cout << "s.capacity(): " << s.capacity() << '\n';
s.capacity(): 15

Repeat character constructor

constexpr basic_string(
size_type count,
CharT ch,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string with count copies of character ch.

Deduction guide (since C++17)

This constructor is not used for class template argument deduction if the Allocator type that would be deduced does not qualify as an allocator.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip> // for std::quoted

int main() {
std::string s(4, '=');

std::cout << std::quoted(s) << '\n';
Result (console)

Copy substring constructor (unbound)

constexpr basic_string(
basic_string const& other,
size_type pos,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string with a substring [pos, other.size()) of other.
Other words, copies the other string starting from element at pos index.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {

// |01234567....|
// |-------+++++|
// "Hello, World"
std::string hw = "Hello, World";
std::string s(hw, 7);

std::cout << s << '\n';
Result (console)

Copy substring constructor (bound)

constexpr basic_string(
basic_string const& other,
size_type pos,
size_type count,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string with a substring [pos, pos+count) of other. If count == npos, or if the requested substring lasts past the end of the string, the resulting substring is [pos, other.size()).


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {

// |012345......|
// |--++++------|
// "Hello, World"
std::string hw = "Hello, World";
std::string s(hw, 2, 4);

std::cout << s << '\n';
Result (console)

Copy character range constructor (unbound)

constexpr basic_string(
CharT const* s,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string with the contents initialized with a copy of the null-terminated character string pointed to by s. The length of the string is determined by the first null character. The behavior is undefined if [s, s + Traits::length(s)) is not a valid range (for example, if s is a null pointer).

Deduction guide since C++17

This constructor is not used for class template argument deduction if the Allocator type that would be deduced does not qualify as an allocator. (since C++17)


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
std::string s("Hello, World!");

std::cout << s << '\n';
Result (console)
Hello, World!

Copy character range constructor (bound)

constexpr basic_string(
CharT const* s,
size_type count,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string with the first count characters of character string pointed to by s. s can contain null characters. The length of the string is count. The behavior is undefined if [s, s + count) is not a valid range.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {

// |01234.......|
// |+++++-------|
// "Hello, World"
std::string s("Hello, World", 5);

std::cout << s << '\n';
Result (console)

Copy from iterator-range constructor

template <typename InputIt>
constexpr basic_string(
InputIt first,
InputIt last,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string with the contents of the range [first, last).

Only if InputIt is an integral type, equivalent to overload (2), as if by
basic_string(static_cast<size_type>(first), static_cast<value_type>(last), alloc)


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <array>

int main() {
std::array<char, 6> chars{ "Hello" };

std::string s(chars.begin(), chars.end());

std::cout << s << '\n';
Result (console)

Copy constructor

// 1)
constexpr basic_string( std::basic_string const& other );

// 2)
constexpr basic_string(
std::basic_string const& other,
Allocator const& alloc

Constructs the string with a copy of the contents of other.

You can optionally specify a custom allocator (2).


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
std::string hw = "Hello, World";
// Uses copy constructor, not assignment operator
std::string s = hw;

std::cout << s << '\n';
Result (console)
Hello World

Move constructor

// 1)
constexpr basic_string( std::basic_string && other ) noexcept;

// 2)
constexpr basic_string(
std::basic_string && other,
Allocator const& alloc

Constructs the string with the contents of other using move semantics. other is left in valid, but unspecified state.

You can optionally specify a custom allocator (2).


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
std::string hw = "Hello, World";
// Uses move constructor, not assignment operator
std::string s = std::move(hw);
// hw has unspecified state right now

std::cout << s << '\n';
Result (console)
Hello, World

Initializer-list constructor

constexpr basic_string(
std::initializer_list<CharT> ilist,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string with the contents of the initializer list ilist.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
std::string s = { "Hello" };
// Same as:
// std::string s = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0' };

std::cout << s << '\n';
std::cout << s.size() << '\n';
Result (console)

Copy from string_view-like type constructor (unbound)

template <typename T>
explicit constexpr basic_string(
T const& t,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string from contents copied from object t of a string_view-like type T.

How does it work

Implicitly converts t to a string view sv as if by

std::basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> sv = t;

then initializes the string with the contents of sv, as if by

basic_string(, sv.size(), alloc)

Overload resolution

This overload participates in overload resolution only if

std::is_convertible_v< const T&, std::basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> >

is true and

std::is_convertible_v<const T&, const CharT*>

is false.

Copy from string_view-like type constructor (bound)

template <typename T>
explicit constexpr basic_string(
T const& t,
size_type pos,
size_type n,
Allocator const& alloc = Allocator()

Constructs the string from subrange [pos, pos + n) of contents copied from object t of a string_view-like type T.

How does it work

Implicitly converts t to a string view sv as if by

std::basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> sv = t;

then initializes the string with the subrange [pos, pos + n) of sv as if by

basic_string(, sv.size(), alloc)

Overload resolution

This overload participates in overload resolution only if

std::is_convertible_v< const T&, std::basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> >

is true.

Deleted std::nullptr_t constructor

constexpr basic_string( std::nullptr_t ) = delete;

basic_string cannot be constructed from nullptr.

This article originates from this CppReference page. It was likely altered for improvements or editors' preference. Click "Edit this page" to see all changes made to this document.
Hover to see the original license.